
Sunday 13 November 2011


When I was 19 I hurt my back for the 1st time. Ever since then I have bouts of back trouble. Sometimes I am merely niggled by it, sometimes it is very painful and sometimes I am completely debilitated. Right now, I am completely debilitated. I have take up the supine position on the sofa (mattress on the floor at night obviously), and I have been forced to lie here fairly still and watch my family move noisily all around me. Poor little O doesn't quite grasp it of course and has mixed flying leaps on to me (sometimes caught in mid air by Daddy), with silent tender little skin to skin pats on the arm or leg or cheek (so sweet it makes my eyes brim). I have come to realise that perhaps the migraine headaches I mentioned the other day are connected to my back pain, but thats a whole other area I need to explore.

Luckily though, I have managed to knit 2 hats for Christmas gifts (pictures to follow), and I have shopped online for some spring bulbs, some white sage seeds, and some flower seeds. I have caught up on some reading A Game Of Thrones and I have read some lovely blogs and listed some fantastic craft ideas. Quite busy for a person lying completely flat.

This is my favorite time of year and the build up to Christmas (and my birthday and wedding anniversary) in December fills me with such excitement. I love the changing season and I long to be outside to fill my lungs with the cold crisp air of winter, tinged ever so slightly with woodsmoke. We have an amazingly huge window,

but it's not the same as being outside. I cant decide if it is better or worse to see what I am missing. Although sunsets are something to be enjoyed anyplace.

The boys have been finding ways to amuse themselves, and a little 'fairy garden' (area) in the garden has been worked on this weekend, along with many other moments of joy which I have mostly missed due to pain, painkillers or locality. I am hoping this debilitating phase is over soon so I can get back to living, but in the meantime, I was reminded by a friend,
"sometimes you need to put down the oars and lie back in the boat,
Its the only way to look at the stars"

May love and laughter light your days,
and warm your heart and home.
May good and faithful friends be yours,
wherever you may roam.
May peace and plenty bless your world
with joy that long endures.
May all life's passing seasons
bring the best to you and yours


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