
Monday 14 November 2011

How to Eliminate Monsters

It occurred to me yesterday that there are quite a few advantages to sleeping on a mattress on the floor.

I think there is a monster living under my bed,
Should he come out to play I will surely be dead,
From the bed to the rug to the door I leapt,
Then out of the door, while the creature slept,
Is he green is he black is he blue or brown,
Does he look like a dragon or white faced clown,
Why does he live there, I want to know,
And, cant we persuade him to get up and go,
Then the answer it came as I peeped round the door,
To be rid of the monster, we will sleep on the floor.

by me



  1. Hi Val,
    you won a book on my blog! Please get in touch and send me your postal address at smilinglikesunshine at gmail dot com so I can get it send to you.

  2. I remember being terrified of even putting my arm out of the duvet when I was small for fear ot those lurkers under the bed!
